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December 2024
Columbia Heights Library youth programs
Columbia Heights Library, 3939 Central Ave NE, 763-706-3690, www.chplmn.org. Creating Clay Snowflakes: A class for littles and their caregivers. Monday, Dec. 9, 10:30-11:30 am. Ages 1 to 5 are invited to craft creative snowflake tiles with their caregiver using white clay, a variety of stamping and texture tools and colorful clay paints called under glazes. Just like real snowflakes, no two tiles will be the same. Non-toxic materials that will wash out of clothes will be used, but please prepare…
Find out more »Columbia Heights Library Adult Programs
Columbia Heights Library, 3939 Central Ave. NE. For more information, call 763-706-3690 or visit chplmn.org. Registration required for most programs and opens 4 weeks in advance. Conversation Circle: Mondays, 5:30-6:30 pm; Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm; Thursdays, 2-3 pm in December. Conversation Circle is a casual gathering of English-language adult learners who meet at the library to practice their speaking skills in a group setting with help from an English-speaking volunteer. No need to register; just come when you can. Winter Reads:- Cozy…
Find out more »February 2025
Hennepin County Neighborhood Fix-It Hub
Hennepin County’s Neighborhood Fix-It Hub is at St. Anthony Library, 2941 Pentagon Dr. Work with a friendly, skilled volunteer to try to fix your broken household stuff, gain confidence and learn new repair skills. This event is family friendly. No registration required. Volunteers are needed to assist with repair and sewing – come help your neighbors. Contact Nancy Lo at nancy.lo@hennepin.us or 612-348-9195. Every other Tuesday, 4-7 p.m., last items accepted at 6:30 p.m. Upcoming dates: Dec. 10, 2024; 2025: Jan.…
Find out more »March 2025
Events at Pierre Bottineau Library
Pierre Bottineau Library, 55 Broadway St. NE, 612-543-6850 or 612-543-KNOW (5669) Board Games With Thorin: Saturdays, 3–5 pm. March 1, 29, April 26, May 10. For adults. Do you have games at home you don’t get a chance to play? Want to learn new ones? Join host Thorin Tatge and friends on Saturday afternoons for a fun mix of board and card games – either from the library's collection or bring your own. Free, registration not required. Art Demo: Thursday,…
Find out more »Columbia Heights Library Adult programs
Columbia Heights Library, 3939 Central Ave. NE. For more information, call 763-706-3690 or visit chplmn.org. Registration required for most programs and opens 4 weeks in advance. Winter Green Houses: Monday, March 3, 4:30-5:30 pm. CHPS Agriculture Specialist Melissa Trent will walk you through the process of constructing a small winter greenhouse from recycled materials; planting, labelling and caring for it. You will learn about five native plants that provide food sources and nesting habitats for pollinators and where to plant them.…
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