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Senate District 60 Republican precinct caucuses
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Your vote counts, and matters. A government of the people, by the people and for the people starts with you. At the Precinct Caucuses, we will be selecting precinct officers, delegates and alternates to our district convention on Saturday, March 7, and discussing candidates and resolutions. Senate District 41 Republicans represent residents of Columbia Heights, Fridley, Hilltop, New Brighton, St. Anthony, and the SW portion of Spring Lake Park. Join them on Feb. 25 for the Republican Precinct Caucus at:
Columbia Heights and Hilltop: Highland Elementary School, 1500 49th Ave. NE, Columbia Heights.
Fridley and SLP 2: Fridley Middle School, 6100 W Moore Lake Dr. NE, Fridley.
New Brighton: Highview Middle School, 2300 7th St. SW, New Brighton.
St Anthony: St Anthony Village High School, 3303 33rd Ave. NE, St Anthony.
If you live outside these cities or to find out what precinct you live in go to: caucusfinder.sos.state.mn.us/. Registration Begins at 6:30 pm and Caucus begins promptly at 7 pm. Info: mngopsd41.com, MNGOPSD41@outlook.com.