Past Events
June 2018
Classes at Northeast Recreation Center
Each topic is important for active adults who want to keep doing what they enjoy for decades to come.
Find out more »East of the River Park Master Plan meeting
The next East of the River Park Master Plan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting will be Wednesday, June 13, 6-8 pm, at Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE. The meeting will focus on operations and maintenance of parks, as well as a discussion about the guiding principles for the Master Plan. CAC meetings are open to the public, with free dinner and children’s activities. Meeting notes and the presentation from the last meeting are available online: minneapolisparks.org/project_updates/2018/05/18/2858/cac_meeting_6_summary.
Find out more »September 2018
Northeast Recreation Center classes
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, is offering a variety of upcoming classes.
Find out more »October 2018
Jammin’ at Northeast
Northeast Park, 1530 Johnson St. NE, will host Jammin’ at Northeast, a monthly dance for adults with developmental disabilities, Saturday, Oct. 20, 6-8 pm.
Find out more »January 2019
Northeast Recreation Center classes
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, is offering a variety of upcoming classes.
Find out more »February 2019
Jammin’ at Northeast
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, will host Jammin’ at Northeast, a monthly dance for adults with developmental disabilities, Saturday, Feb. 16, 6-8 pm.
Find out more »Stay Strong Fitness for Active Older Adults
Aimed at people 55 and better, this class will use body weight and other fitness props to strengthen muscles, build power and improve joint mobility and stability.
Find out more »April 2019
Family Pasta Making at Northeast Recreation Center
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, will have a Family Pasta Making Class, Thursday, April 4, 6-8 pm.
Find out more »Minneapolis Transportation Plan input wanted
The City of Minneapolis collecting public input on transportation-related opportunities, issues, and priorities. There will be a workshop Tuesday, April 16, 4-6 pm, at Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, and on online open house (Facebook Live), Tuesday, April 30, 6:30-7:30 pm: facebook.com/cityofminneapolis. You can also learn about the Transportation Action Plan and provide feedback at: http://go.minneapolismn.gov/.
Find out more »May 2019
Jammin’ at Northeast
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, will host Jammin’ at Northeast, a monthly dance for adults with developmental disabilities, Saturday, May 18, 6-8 pm.
Find out more »June 2019
Mean Greens Cooking Class at Northeast Park
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, will host a Mean Greens Cooking Class, Monday, June 17, 6-8 pm.
Find out more »July 2019
Northeast Recreation Center Preschool
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St NE, will offer preschool, 12:30-3 pm, starting Sept. 9.
Find out more »August 2019
Fall soccer registration
Registration for youth fall soccer at Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, is coming to a close. Sign up today to secure a spot on a team: minneapolisparks.org.
Find out more »October 2019
Become a member of the Homegrown Minneapolis Food Council
Applications accepted through October 18, 2019 for the 15 City Council and Mayorally-appointed community member Food Council seats during the January 2020-December 2021 term. The Homegrown Minneapolis Food Council is a City advisory group that convenes and engages diverse stakeholders to identify and propose innovative solutions to improve the local food system. The Food Council is partnering in development and implementation of the Minneapolis Food Action Plan. Attend an informal pre-meeting Food Council info session followed by a Food Council meeting Wednesday, Oct.…
Find out more »January 2020
Nature Connections series for 55+
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE, is offering a Nature Connections series, through Feb. 14, for residents who are 55 and older.
Find out more »February 2020
Senate District 60 Republican precinct caucuses
The Senate District 60 Republican precinct caucuses will be Tuesday, Feb. 25, 7-8 pm, or until all business is concluded.
Find out more »March 2020
CANCELED: Northeast Recreation Center Programs
According to their website, until April 5, MPRB rec centers and program buildings are closed to the public, and all classes, programs and events are canceled.
Find out more »September 2021
Fall classes at NE Park
Fall classes begin soon at Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St NE. Register online www.minneapolisparks.org. 612-370-4920 Creative Movement Dance, Wednesdays, Sept. 15-Oct. 20, 6-6:45 pm, ages 3-5 $ 45 # 124759 Pre-Ballet, Wednesdays, Sept. 15-Oct. 20, 7-7:45 pm, ages 4-6, $45 #124760 Stay Strong Fitness, Mondays, Sept. 13-Oct. 18, 9:15-10:15 am, Ages 55+, $30, # 121830 LaBlast Fitness, Tuesdays, Sept. 21-Oct. 26, 11 am-noon, $48, # 124937 & Mondays, Sept. 20-Oct.25, 6:30-7:30 pm, $48, #124938 Nutrition Class: Weight Management Over…
Find out more »June 2022
Northeast Rec Center free events
Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St NE. 612-370-4920 or www.minneapolisparks.org Biking is for Everyone 55+: Wednesdays, June 22, July 20, Aug. 10, Sept. 14, 9-10 am. #134074. Bikes are available for those who need one. Summer Kick-off with the WOW Mobile Metal Lab: Sunday, June 26, 2-4 pm. All ages. Fitness Workshop, Nordic Pole Walking: Monday, July 11, 10-11 am. #131078. Limited number of poles are available for use. Fitness Workshop, Low Impact Cardio & Speed Walking: Wednesday, July 27, 10-11…
Find out more »July 2022
NE/SE Soccer 25th Celebration
Monday, July 11, 5:30-11 pm. All past, current, future NE/SE players, coaches, refs, board members are invited for a night of fun. Stay after for movie, “Field of Dreams.” Northeast Athletic Field, 1530 Johnson St. NE.
Find out more »March 2023
Public meetings on Hwys. 65 & 47
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is inviting the public to three meetings to comment on new visions for future corridor improvements along Hwy 47/University Avenue and Hwy 65/Central Avenue in Northeast Minneapolis and southern Anoka County. The first meeting on University and Central avenues south of I-694 took place Thursday, March 16; the second looking at University and Central avenues north of I-694 will take place on Thursday, March 23 at Fridley City Hall, 7071 University Ave. NE from…
Find out more »April 2023
Johnson St./35W improvements
Give your input on the proposed improvements to the Johnson St./35W intersection. An open house will be held Thursday, April 27, 6-7:30 pm at the Northeast Rec Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE. See the project website for an online presentation and survey: minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/johnson-st-intersection.
Find out more »October 2023
Neighborhood merger vote
Following a Sept. 18 update at Beltrami Park, a merger vote will take place 6:30 pm Wednesday, Oct. 25 at the Northeast Park recreation center, 1530 Johnson St. NE. The merger will be considered a yes vote by a 51% approval from members of the Beltrami, Logan Park and Northeast Park neighborhoods.
Find out more »October 2024
MEA: jewelry making
In this two-day class, students will make of variety of different kinds of jewelry, including beads and jewelry boxes made from air dry clay and origami paper to Shrinky Dink earrings, pendants and keychains. Other fun ideas include wire-wrapped rings, friendship bracelets, paper rings and button making. Ages 7-14. Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 16 and 17, 1-3 pm. Northeast Athletic Field Rec Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE. Registration required.
Find out more »December 2024
Neighborhood holiday party & potluck
The Lower Northeast Neighborhood Association will hold a holiday party and potluck dinner Monday, Dec. 16, 6:30 pm at the Northeast Recreation Center, 1530 Johnson St. NE. Sign up for the potluck and cookie swap at www.lnena.org/event/holiday-party.
Find out more »