Past Events
May 2016
ESNS Older Americans Month events
To celebrate Older Americans Month in May, East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, will have a variety of free events on Tuesdays.
Find out more »Employment Orientation Meetings for seniors
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, will have Employment Orientation Meetings, Tuesdays, May 17 and 31, at 9:30 a.m.
Find out more »Internet Job Search class at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is offering Internet Job Search: How To Workshops, Thursday and Friday, May 19 and May 20, 10:30-12:30 a.m.
Find out more »Elder Law Clinics at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services is hosting Elder Law Clinics where neighborhood seniors can meet with an attorney for a half-hour consultation at no charge.
Find out more »June 2016
Living Well With Chronic Conditions
East Side Neighborhood Services will have a Living Well With Chronic Conditions Workshop, Thursdays, June 9-July 14, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Find out more »July 2016
A Matter of Balance at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is offering an eight-week program, “A Matter of Balance: Maintain Your Independence and Improve Balance.”
Find out more »Employment Orientation Meetings at East Side
East Side Neighborhood Services will have Employment Orientation Meetings, Tuesdays, July 12 and 19, at 9:30 a.m., for low-income seniors in Hennepin County who are interested in paid on-the-job training.
Find out more »ESNS Empowering Vital Aging and more
East Side Neighborhood Services is offering Empowering Vital Aging programs, Vital Fitness, Senior Dining, and BINGO.
Find out more »August 2016
Classes and events at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services is offering a variety of classes and activities.
Find out more »Classes starting soon at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is offering Tai Ji Quan: Moving For Better Balance, and a Vital Fitness Group.
Find out more »Upcoming classes and events at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is offering Elder Law Clincis, an Internet Job Search workshop, Decluttering your Home, Forklift and Bobcat Operator Training, and more.
Find out more »Upcoming classes and events at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services is offering a variety of upcoming events and activities.
Find out more »September 2016
AA step meeting on Thursdays at ESNS
There will be an open, mixed, AA step meeting East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, on Thursdays, 7 p.m.
Find out more »55+ Driver Improvement courses
The Minnesota Highway Safety Center is offering an eight-hour introductory 55+ Driver Improvement course, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 12 and 13, 5:30-9;30 p.m., and a four-hour refresher course, Saturday, Sept. 17, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at East Side Neighborhood Services.
Find out more »First gathering for Intertwine
Intertwine, described by developer Pastor Mike Rusert as a community for those who would identify as spiritual but not religious, will have its first Sunday gathering Sept. 18, 10-11:30 a.m., at East Side Neighborhood Services.
Find out more »October 2016
Medicare open enrollment presentations
There will be free presentations about Medicare Open Enrollment, Saturday, Oct. 8, 9:30-10:30 a.m., and 11 a.m.-noon, at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, in the dining space.
Find out more »Attend Free, Unbiased Presentations on Medicare
Open enrollment for Medicare begins Oct. 15, and an Oct. 8 offering in Northeast Minneapolis will provide helpful information in advance.
Find out more »Nordeast Big River Brew Fest
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, will have the Nordeast Big River Brew Fest, Saturday, Oct. 22, 1-4 p.m.
Find out more »Upcoming classes and events at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is offering a variety of classes and activities.
Find out more »November 2016
Upcoming classes and events at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is offering a variety of classes and activities.
Find out more »January 2017
File Your Taxes for Free at Prepare + Prosper
With tax season right around the corner, Prepare + Prosper (P+P) encourages low and moderate income individuals and families to save money this tax season by filing their taxes for free to get their maximum refund.
Find out more »June 2018
Camp Bovey Informational Session
Held June 2, 2-5 pm at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Kids can learn and ask questions about all of the activities, the cabins, and the fun they'll have at Camp Bovey. The camp director and registrar will help adults through the registration process and help them feel confident about sending away their children away for a week. Financial assistance and payment plans are available. Camp Bovey ensures that families are charged the camp fee that makes…
Find out more »Upcoming classes and events at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services is offering a variety of upcoming classes and activities.
Find out more »Ward 3 Comprehensive Plan Forum
There will be a Ward 3 Comprehensive Plan Forum, Thursday, June 28, 5:30-7 pm, at East Side Neighborhood Services.
Find out more »September 2018
Upcoming classes and events at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is offering a variety of classes and activities for seniors. Info: esns.org or 612-787-4063.
Find out more »Met Council member Cara Letofsky to visit Northeast Chamber meeting
Cara Letofsky, Metropolitan Council Member from District 8, will visit Coffee with Christine - A Northeast Chamber Monthly Community Meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 8-9 am, at East Side Neighborhood Services.
Find out more »October 2018
Medicare and Wellness: Be Prepared
Don't miss this opportunity to be prepared for fall/winter and a new year by getting your flu shots (bring your insurance card), health screenings (glucose and blood pressure) and nutrition information.
Find out more »Nordeast Big River Brew Fest
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, will have its 8th Annual Nordeast Big River Brew Fest, Saturday, Oct. 20, 1-4 pm.
Find out more »November 2018
Dementia Friends Information Session at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is conducting Dementia Friends Informational Sessions. The first one will be Friday, Nov. 30, at 10 am, in the community room.
Find out more »February 2019
Rail Safety Forum and Panel
Citizens Acting for Rail Safety - Twin Cities will hold a rail safety forum 1-3 pm Sunday, Feb. 10 at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 NE 2nd Street. Minnesota, including the Twin Cities metro, remains at the epicenter of a crude-by-rail web connecting North Dakota's booming Bakken oil fields and the Alberta tar sands with refineries and ever-expanding export facilities across the United States. Minnesota has over 4,000 miles of railroad track - over 700 hundred miles of which are used to…
Find out more »Neighborhoods 2020 community meeting
The City of Minneapolis will have a community information meeting about Neighborhoods 2020 Framework recommendations, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 6-8 pm, at East Side Neighborhood Services.
Find out more »March 2019
Coffee with Christine 2019 Construction Preview
The Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce will host Coffee with Christine: 2019 Construction Season Preview, Tuesday, March 19, 8-9 am, at East Side Neighborhood Services.
Find out more »April 2019
Empty Bowls NE
Empty Bowls NE will hold its sixth annual fundraiser April 28, 11 am-6 pm at its headquarters at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Suggested donation: $20 (includes handmade ceramic bowl and all you can eat soup from local restaurants). Proceeds raised go toward three Northeast hunger causes: The Sheridan Story (kids), Helping Hand Food Pantry (adults), and East Side Neighborhood Services' Senior Food Shelf (seniors).
Find out more »May 2019
Classes at East Side Neighborhood Services
East Side Neighborhood Services will host the following events and classes.
Find out more »June 2019
Volunteers needed for NE Day Spot
NE Day Spot, a weekly respite program for people experiencing memory loss and their care partners, at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, is seeking volunteers.
Find out more »July 2019
Vital Fitness at ESNS
Practice muscle coordination, build strength and improve your flexibility in this gentle exercise class.
Find out more »Chair Yoga at ESNS
Join them every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 am, and gain strength and flexibility in this calming chair yoga class.
Find out more »August 2019
Use of Personal Memory training at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, will host “Use of Personal Story: Communicating with a person with memory loss,” Thursday, Aug. 15, 8-9:30am.
Find out more »NE Day Spot Friends needed
Working with East Side staff, volunteers help create a community of care by being a NE Day Spot Friend.
Find out more »September 2019
Memory Café
Memory Cafes include activities, education, art, discussion, exercise, and outings based on your interests.
Find out more »First-time homebuyers class
Mortgage Loan Originator, REALTOR®, and Home Inspector are offering a free first-time home-buyers class, Friday, Sept. 6, 6:15-8:15 pm, in Eastside Food Co-op’s Community Room.
Find out more »Tai Ji Quan & A Matter of Balance at ESNS
ESNS will host the following events.
Find out more »October 2019
Nordeast Big River Brew Fest
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, will have its annual Nordeast Big River Brew Fest, Saturday, Oct. 5, 1-4 pm.
Find out more »November 2019
Healthy Connections health fair at ESNS
East Side Vital Living will have a Healthy Connections health fair Wednesday, Nov. 6, 9 am-noon, at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE.
Find out more »December 2019
Tuesday Yoga
Experience “Gentle Yoga.” Want to become or stay flexible? Have more energy and peacefulness? First Session Free, 6-week session $72. Tuesdays, 5-6 pm at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd Street NE, Room B19. Classes run year-round. Info: 612-720-2451.
Find out more »Grief, Loss and Compassion Workshop
Open to community members and professionals.
Find out more »March 2020
ESNS Update
According to their website, as of March 17, the East Side Neighborhood Services main building will be closed to the public.
Find out more »April 2020
ESNS COVID-19 needs and information
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 Second St. NE, has a COVIDD-19 Web page that provides a summary of the status of ESNS programs affected by the pandemic and ways to help respond to emergency community needs, including donation and volunteering opportunities.
Find out more »September 2020
COVID Testing and Flu Shots in NE Community
Free Covid testing and flu shots will be available with registration onsite for drive up and walk up.
Find out more »November 2020
FREE COVID testing and flu shots/Prueba Gratis del COVID y Vacunas de la Gripe
FREE COVID testing and flu shots on Saturday, Nov., 12-3 pm at East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 NE 2nd Street, Minneapolis. Drive and walk up testing is available. Register on site, open to all!Prueba Gratis del COVID y Vacunas de la GripeCuando: Sábado 14 de noviembre, de 12 pm a 3 pmDonde: East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 NE 2nd Street, Minneapolis Prueba disponible llegando en auto o caminando, registrarse en el sitio, disponible para todos!Sponsored by Bottineau Neighborhood Association and Sheridan…
Find out more »February 2021
East Side Neighborhood Services classes
Upcoming events at East Side Neighborhood Services.
Find out more »June 2021
ESNS Events for Older Adults
Aging with Gusto: Tuesdays, June 22, and 29; 1:30-3 pm. An interactive Zoom series of discussions to expand a positive view of aging and grow a capacity for living meaningful, satisfying lives in older years. Upcoming topics led by trained facilitators and current research: What contributes to your aging with gusto? How can you recognize and respond to ageism? How can your values and goals shape your future? Info/register: VitalLiving@esns.org or 612-787-4086. Reimagining Aging Book Club: 2nd Saturday of the…
Find out more »September 2021
Outdoor Classroom/Sculpture Garden Ribbon Cutting
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St NE, will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony at its outdoor classroom/sculpture garden Thursday, Sept. 16, 4-5:30 p.m. Bring a blanket and a picnic supper. An ice cream truck and a puppet show are rumored to appear.
Find out more »October 2021
A Night Under the Stars with G.B. Leighton
Celebrate East Side Neighborhood Services' Camp Bovey with a family event. Food and beer trucks, ice cream truck, camp crafts and a s'mores station are part of the action, as is a camp song sing-along at 6 pm. The G.B. Leighton rock band takes the stage at 6:30 for a kids' dance party complete with glow sticks and a bubble machine. Friday, Oct. 1, 6-8 pm, East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Tickets: Adults, $10; Youth 2-17, $5;…
Find out more »ESNS Nordeast Big River Brew & Fizz Fest
Sample beer, snack on great food, listen to live music, drink from a free tasting mug and be part of the craft brew community on Saturday, Oct. 2, 1-4 pm at this benefit for East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. New this year -- hard seltzers. Because this is a food and beverage event, all attendees must be vaccinated. Tickets $40 per person; $37.50 per person in a group of four; designated driver, $10. You must be 21…
Find out more »Vital Living programs at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services offers a variety of programs for seniors and their families. East Side Caregiver Support Groups help you get connected to the community resources you need, meet and support other people with similar experiences, learn self-care strategies and coping techniques,vent, share your personal experiences, and leave feeling better for it. Attendance is open to any adult 18+ years of age who is a caregiver for an older adult. Living Well with Chronic Conditions Self-Study Class: Tuesdays, Oct.…
Find out more »November 2021
Vital Living programs at ESNS
Connect to Tech: East Side Neighborhood Services hosts Connect to Tech, a series of classes for older adults to increase confidence and understanding using smart phones, iPads, and tablets. Classes are free and offered over Zoom. Class size is limited so register soon. Offered in partnership with Cyber Seniors. On-going tech support is available over the phone for as many times as needed for participants. Using iPads and iPhones, Nov.16, 1-2 pm; Using cell phones and tablets (non-Apple products), Nov. 16,…
Find out more »December 2021
ESNS Vital Living classes
Caregiver Support Groups: East Side Caregiver Support Groups can connect you to the community resources you need, meet and support other people with similar experiences, learn self-care strategies and coping techniques, vent, share your personal experiences, and leave feeling better for it. Attendance is open to any adult 18+ years of age who is a caregiver for an older adult. First time participants will need to request a link and password to enter the calls. Held via Zoom. Caregiver Support…
Find out more »March 2022
Vital Living programs at ESNS
Ongoing Support Groups: Via Zoom, the East Side Caregiver Support Groups can connect you to the community resources you need, help you meet and support other people with similar experiences, teach self-care strategies and coping techniques and allow you to vent, share your personal experiences, and leave feeling better for it. Attendance is open to any adult 18+ years of age who is a caregiver for an older adult. First time participants will need to request a link and password…
Find out more »April 2022
East Side Neighborhood Services Vital Living programs
For more info or to register, contact 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org NE Day Spot back in-person, starting April 22: Weekly on Fridays, 10 am-1 pm. NE Day Spot is a gathering place for those with early to moderate memory loss or other health conditions. Enjoy an afternoon of art, music, education, and movement alongside volunteers, participants, and Vital Living staff alike. Every Friday, this event aims to be a safe(er) space for: anyone who is receiving care from others, those living…
Find out more »May 2022
Vital Living classes at ESNS
Ongoing Support Groups: Via Zoom, the East Side Caregiver Support Groups can connect you to the community resources you need, help you meet and support other people with similar experiences, teach self-care strategies and coping techniques and allow you to vent, share your personal experiences, and leave feeling better for it. Attendance is open to any adult 18+ years of age who is a caregiver for an older adult. First time participants will need to request a link and password…
Find out more »Vital Living classes
Reimagining Aging Book Club: June 11, 9-10 am via Zoom. The next selection is: "The Mole, The Boy, The Fox, and The Horse" by Charlie Macksey. To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpdu2hqz8tGtw653NwzLyeZSJw_7NHTSoS Author Chat: July 9, 10-11 am. Lindsey McDivitt, writer and advocate for intergenerational understanding will join a conversation about writing children's books with anti-ageist messages and the importance of creative pursuits after age 60. Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArcOugqjMvGdQ1mOvcuNm5jXcUhWc7gbwN Caregiver Support Group: Monday, June 6, 12-1 pm via Zoom. Contact Shay MacKay at smackay@esns.org…
Find out more »July 2022
Vital Living Program at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services offers classes for seniors on living well. Questions? Contact 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Living Well with Chronic Conditions: Wednesdays, 1-3:30 pm, July 4-Aug. 10. This is an in-person group class for living a healthy life with chronic conditions. Each week participants will meet to connect with others, set action plans, and review topics like dealing with fatigue, breaking the symptom cycle, making treatment decisions, and communicating with health care providers and family. This is an interactive and sociable gathering…
Find out more »ESNS Vital Living programs
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers classes for seniors on living well. Questions? Contact 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Care for Caregivers Series Caregiving is stressful and it is difficult at times. Recharge, learn, connect, and reflect each week with a community that understands the commitment of caregiving. For more info, contact Shay at 612-787-4076 or SMacKay@esns.org. Self-Care Practice: 1st Tuesdays, 2-3 pm. Starts August 2, in-Person at ESNS. Practice self-care by learning gentle movements and techniques to help…
Find out more »August 2022
ESNS Vital Living programs
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers classes for seniors on living well. Questions? Contact 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Care for Caregivers Series: Caregiving is stressful and it is difficult at times. Recharge, learn, connect, and reflect each week with a community that understands the commitment of caregiving. Info, contact Shay at 612-787-4076 or SMacKay@esns.org. Self-Care Practice: Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2-3 pm, in-Person at ESNS. Practice self-care by learning gentle movements and techniques to help stay healthy and grounded.…
Find out more »Vital Living Book Club
East Side Neighborhood Services' Vital Living Book Club meets the second Saturday of the month on Zoom from 9-10 am. Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpdu2hqz8tGtw653NwzLyeZSJw_7NHTSoS. Aug. 13: Annual Open Book Chat. Share what you’re are reading, favorite bookstores, travel ideas, and any other congenial topic on your mind. Sept. 10: The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht. Oct. 8: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. Nov. 12: The Tie that Binds by Kent Haruf. Dec. 10: The Extraordinary Life of…
Find out more »September 2022
ESNS Care for Caregivers Series
Caregiving is stressful and difficult at times. East Side Neighborhood Services gives caregivers a chance to recharge, learn, connect, and reflect each week with a community that understands the commitment of caregiving. Tuesdays, 2-3 pm via Zoom. Self-Care Practice, Sept. 6; Building Knowledge and Skills, Sept. 13; Caregiver Support Group, Sept. 20; Rest & Reflection, Sept. 27. Info: Shay 612-787-4076 or SMacKay@esns.org.
Find out more »Vital Living classes at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers the following classes for seniors. To register, contact 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Tai Ji Quan, Moving for Better Balance: Beginner Class, Mondays and Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 am, Sept. 29-Dec. 22 via Zoom. Tai Ji Quan uses fluid, mindful movements to help participants reduce the risk of falls by improving balance, muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility. These one-hour beginner sessions meet twice a week over Zoom for 24 sessions. ESNS can help you navigate…
Find out more »Author event on Homelessness
The Babes of Wrath, grassroots activists with decades of experience fighting homelessness and poverty on the front lines, will take their books, banned and not, on a 10-state book tour mid-September to mid-October 2022. They will be at Eastside Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, Thursday, Sept. 15, 7-8:30 pm. No charge. Pat LaMarche’s book, "Still Left Out in America," and Diane Nilan’s "Dismazed and Driven – My Look at Family Homelessness in America," give readers inside looks at people…
Find out more »October 2022
Vital Living Program at East Side Neighborhood Services
Living Well with Chronic Conditions: Wednesdays, Oct. 26-Nov. 30, 1-3:30 pm via Zoom. Living Well with Chronic Conditions is an evidence-based class that helps participants learn how to deal with a chronic condition diagnosis as well as learn strategies for living well, even with health difficulties. Participants meet new friends, provide support to peers, and become more involved in the community.Discuss the impact of long-COVID, high blood pressure, heart disease, COPD, arthritis, and diabetes. Other topics include: dealing with pain, isolation,…
Find out more »Vital Living classes at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers the following classes for seniors. Register at 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Care for Caregivers Series: Tuesdays, 2-3:00 pm via Zoom. Caregiving is stressful and it is difficult at times. Recharge, learn, connect, and reflect each week with a community that understands the commitment of caregiving. Building Knowledge and Skills: Oct. 11. Rest & Reflection: Oct. 25. For more info, contact Shay at 612-787-4076 or SMacKay@esns.org. Monthly Support Groups: Attendance is open to any adult…
Find out more »November 2022
Vital Living at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers the following classes for seniors. Register at 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Care for Caregivers Series: Tuesdays, 2-3:00 pm via Zoom. Caregiving is stressful and it is difficult at times. Recharge, learn, connect, and reflect each week with a community that understands the commitment of caregiving. Self-Care Practice: Nov. 1. Building Knowledge and Skills: Nov. 8. Caregiver Support Group: Nov. 15. Rest & Reflection: Nov. 22. For more info, contact Shay at 612-787-4076…
Find out more »December 2022
Vital Living classes at ESNS Dec. 14-Jan.24, 2023
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers the following classes for seniors. Register: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Care for Caregivers Series: Tuesdays, 2-3:00 pm via Zoom. Caregiving is stressful and difficult at times. Recharge, learn, connect and reflect each week with a community that understands the commitment of caregiving. Self-Care Practice: Jan. 3; Building Knowledge and Skills, Jan. 10; Caregiver Support Group: Jan. 17; Rest & Reflection, Jan. 24. Contact Shay, 612-787-4076 or SMacKay@esns.org. Monthly Support Groups: Attendance is open…
Find out more »March 2023
ESNS Vital Living classes
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers the following classes for seniors. Register: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Vital Living Book Club: 2nd Saturday of the month, 9-10 am, via Zoom. Enjoy reading and looking to be part of a friendly group? Bring your coffee and join our statewide online book club. April 8: "Black Cake: A Novel" by Charmaine Wilkerson. Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpdu2hqz8tGtw653NwzLyeZSJw_7NHTSoS Senior Planet Workshops: Wednesdays, 11 am-12 pm April 19, 26, May 3, in-person. There is no cost…
Find out more »April 2023
ESNS Wellness Fair
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, will host a Wellness Fair Thursday, April 27, 9:30 am-1:30 pm for community members 65+. Wellness Screenings (by appointment only, time slots are 9:00, 9:45, 10:30, 11:15, 12:30), workshops on women’s heart health, the Power of Friendship workshop, Avoiding Online Scams presentation, a free laptop/tablet giveaway if you qualify, Medicare/Medical assistance information, Square Dancing, and Tai Ji Quan demonstrations. Caregiving services information will also be available. Raffle for grocery store gift cards,…
Find out more »August 2023
ESNS: Our Whole Lives (OWL)
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Sexuality education for older adults, Thursdays, 10 am-12 pm, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. In person. OWL is a series of 2-hour workshops over a 5-week period that uses exercises and techniques designed to reduce shame, normalize age-related changes, provide information about relationships and increase awareness of sexual choices. It takes a values-based, social justice approach to the sexuality of adults in midlife and beyond – recognizing and honoring the diversity…
Find out more »ESNS Vital Living tech series
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Classes are free, held in person in the Tech Lounge Mondays and Wednesdays, 11 am-12:30 pm. Registration: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. ESNS is partnering with Senior Planet from AARP to help older adults use technology to learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make new friends. Aug. 21: Telemedicine. Aug. 23: Online health resources. Aug. 28: Mobile health apps. Aug. 30: Mindfulness apps
Find out more »October 2023
Weed it and Sweep
Get your gloves on, grab those grabbers and help beautify the city. The Northeast Chamber of Commerce is partnering with East Side Neighborhood Services for the biannual community clean-up. Come with your colleagues, friends, family and neighbors. Cleaning materials and light snacks will be provided. East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, Friday, Oct. 6, 12-5 pm.
Find out more »March 2024
ESNS Vital Living class: Senior Planet Tech
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Registration: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Gather in the ESNS Tech Lounge Mondays and Wednesdays, 11 am-12:30 pm. March 4: Introduction to A.I. March 6: Staying safe online. March 11: Intro to managing your privacy. March 13: Using fact-checking sites. March 18: Wifi, Android/Apple, smart phones/tablets, apps intro. March 20: Helpful apps for everyday tasks, smart TV, and streaming. March 25: Important symbols, computers, web browsers, the internet, & email. March 27: Assistive technology…
Find out more »May 2024
Vital Living classes at ESNS
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org NE Day Spot (In-person Respite): Fridays, 10 am-1 pm. Experiencing dementia doesn't have to mean a loss of connection. NE Day Spot is a gathering place for those with mild to moderate memory loss or other chronic health conditions to be in community while caregivers have a reliable break each week. Enjoy gathering together with art, music, conversation, and movement alongside volunteers, participants, and Vital Living staff. Every Friday, this…
Find out more »Garden space for seniors
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Registration: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. The Vital Living Program at East Side Neighborhood Services has a limited number of wheelchair-accessible standing garden beds available in their community garden for older adults. Gardening tools and water available onsite. You will need to provide your plants and seeds. No cost for these garden beds, but space is limited. For questions and to reserve a bed, contact 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org.
Find out more »June 2024
ESNS Vital Living classes
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Registration: 612-787-4086 or or Smackay@ESNS.org. Vital Fitness: Thursdays weekly, 10:30-11:30 am. In-person, all abilities fitness class where all are encouraged to come. Movements can be done seated or standing. A wide variety of balance, strength, and flexibility movements will be incorporated into this fun and social class. Physical distancing encouraged, but not required. No cost. Pre-registration is helpful for planning purposes but not required. Caregiver Support Groups: Every Tuesday, 2-3 pm via Zoom. Get…
Find out more »LGBTQ+ Caregiver Support Group
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Registration: 612-787-4086 or SMacKay@esns.org. Thursday, June 13, 3:30-4:30 pm, online via Zoom. Build a support system with people who understand. Exchange practical information on caregiving challenges and possible solutions. Share feelings, needs and concerns. This group is specifically designed for LGBTQ+ caregivers who are supporting someone diagnosed with any type of dementia. Co-hosted by the Alzheimer’s Association. No cost for these meetings, but you must contact ESNS because space is limited.
Find out more »Wellness Across the Lifespan
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Registration: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. For people 55+. Wellness resources, health care directives, all-abilities fitness, garden tour, food giveaways, technology education, grocery gift card raffle. Wednesday, June 26, 9:30 am-1:30 pm.
Find out more »August 2024
ESNS Vital Living classes
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE, offers the following classes for seniors. To register, contact 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Vital Living book club: 2nd Saturday of the month, 9-10 am via Zoom. Bring your coffee and join a statewide online book club. August 12: Close reading gathering led by guest facilitator. No pre-assigned readings. Bring your curiosity and love of language to find a story within you. September 9: No Time to Spare by Ursula Le Guin. October 14: Housekeeping by…
Find out more »September 2024
A Matter of Balance
East Side Neighborhood Services (ESNS), 1700 2nd St. NE. Registration: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Tuesdays, 1-3 pm, Sept. 10-Oct. 29. In-Person at ESNS. Free, but donations accepted. In eight, two-hour classes, participants learn to view falls and fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals for increasing activity, change their environments to reduce risk factors and use exercise to increase strength and balance.
Find out more »Free produce giveaway
Friday, Sept. 13, 10 am-noon. In-person, no registration required – open to all. East Side Neighborhood Services parking lot, 1700 2nd St. NE.
Find out more »October 2024
East Side Neighborhood Services Fundraiser
Come to the Nicollet Island Pavilion Wednesday, Oct. 2., 5:30-8 pm for Every Voice for East Side - their annual fundraiser. This fundraiser is a food and beverage experience featuring over 45 local wine, beer, non-alcoholic beverage & food vendors. This year’s event will spotlight the important work of East Side’s Food Programs, which serve families and older adults across Hennepin County. Addressing food insecurity is just one of eight areas of service ESNS provides to the community addressing needs…
Find out more »Free vaccination clinic and produce giveaway
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St NE, 1:30-3 pm, Thursday, Oct. 24. Free flu and COVID shots for the community, hosted by ESNS. Located in the gym of ESNS. Walk up, no need to register. Participants ages 18+ who get a COVID shot that day will receive a $25 Target gift card. Free produce from the ESNS garden will also be available.
Find out more »January 2025
Vital Living classes: Caregiver support
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St NE. Caregiver Support Groups: Every Tuesday, 2-3 pm via Zoom. Discuss the challenges, the frustrations, and the joys of caregiving. Caregiver Support Groups are here to help. In these supportive environments you can get connected to the community resources you need, meet and support other people with similar experiences, Llarn self-care strategies and coping techniques, vent, share your personal experiences, and leave feeling better for it. Attendance is open to any adult 18+…
Find out more »Vital Fitness
East Side Neighborhood Services, 1700 2nd St. NE. Registration: 612-787-4086 or VitalLiving@esns.org. Thursdays Weekly, 10:30-11:30 am, in person. A wide variety of balance, strength and flexibility movements will be incorporated into this fun and social group class. No cost. Pre-registration is helpful for planning purposes but not required. All abilities are encouraged to come. Movements can be done seated or standing.
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