St. Anthony resident takes Crop Art ribbons
Kate Martin, St. Anthony, won a blue ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair’s Crop Art exhibition. She also received a reserve champion ribbon for her creation, “Crop Art is for Everybody,” a riff on Keith Haring’s “Art is for Everybody” exhibit at the Walker Art Center. She used dyed or painted lentils, mustard, millet, barley and beans to complete her entry in the Class 3 amateur division. Ike Whiting, also of St. Anthony, also had seed art on display. His was entitled, “Holy Crop!”
Joe Morgan grows State Fair record pumpkin
Joe Morgan of St. Anthony likes to grow big vegetables. In 2021, he grew a 622-lb. pumpkin. This year, he outdid himself. The pumpkin he entered in the Minnesota State Fair Giant Pumpkin contest weighed in at 1,808.5 lbs. — a new fair record.